Please read our Freeview Terms & Conditions and confirm you agree by selecting "yes" below. By aggreeing you are also indicating that you are happy for us to show your registration form to your EPOS provider, if relevant, so that our service provider may receive your data direct from the EPOS provider.
The Bicycle Association (BA) owns the Market Data Service (MDS) and sub-contracts the data processing operation to Mesosys Limited.
- By replying YES to this email and accessing the MDS, you confirm that you have authority to accept these terms and conditions and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not have authority or do not agree, you must not join or use the service.
- If you operate a compliant EPOS till system (Abacus, Ascend, Citrus Lime, Cybertill or Seanic), by replying YES to this email, you hereby authorise your EPOS provider to enter into a licence with the BA to provide your retail data to SIL to be anonymously used in the MDS in return for you getting access to a FREE version of the reporting service.
- If you do not have a compliant EPOS till system, by replying YES to this email, you agree to licence and provide your retail data by another agreed means to SIL to be anonymously used in the MDS in return for getting access to a FREE version of the reporting service.
- You understand that Mesosys Limited will keep your retail data confidential and will not share it with anyone else, other than third parties that the BA contracts with to provide services in relation to the MDS who must also keep your retail data confidential.
- You understand and agree that once SIL receives your raw data, Mesosys Limited will combine and aggregate it (on an anonymous basis) with retail data from other retailers to produce publicly available reports on the sector.
- In order to withdraw your authorisation to the continued provision and licensing by you or your EPOS provider of your retail data for use in the BA MDS, you need to give the BA at least 60 days prior notice by emailing
- You understand and agree that once Mesosys Limited receives your retail data from you or your EPOS provider, Mesosys Limited, and/or one or more third parties that the BA has contracted with in relation to the running of the MDS, will be able to keep your retail data forever, free of charge, on an anonymous basis, for the purposes of the MDS and matters relating to the MDS.
- You warrant that your retail data does not infringe anyone else's intellectual property rights, does not contain any computer viruses or similar, is accurate, complete and up to date and is not misrepresentative.
- You understand and agree that all intellectual property rights in the MDS and reports are owned by the BA (or buyers of the reports).
- You understand and agree that you may only use the MDS for internal use to undertake market analysis and agree not to amend or share publicly or publish outside of your organisation any of the market data results or reports, unless with prior written consent from the BA.
- You understand and agree that you shall not share your MDS log-in details with anyone outside of your organisation.
- You understand and agree that you may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these terms and conditions to any other party.
- You understand and agree that the BA may transfer and/or sub-contract all or any of its rights and/or its obligations under these terms and conditions to one or more third parties that the BA has contracted with in relation to the MDS.